Construct an Input Layer

Returns a dense tensor as input layer based on given feature_columns. At the first layer of the model, this column oriented data should be converted to a single tensor.

input_layer(features, feature_columns, weight_collections = NULL,
  trainable = TRUE)



A mapping from key to tensors. Feature columns look up via these keys. For example column_numeric('price') will look at 'price' key in this dict. Values can be a sparse tensor or tensor depends on corresponding feature column.


An iterable containing the FeatureColumns to use as inputs to your model. All items should be instances of classes derived from a dense column such as column_numeric(), column_embedding(), column_bucketized(), column_indicator(). If you have categorical features, you can wrap them with an column_embedding() or column_indicator().


A list of collection names to which the Variable will be added. Note that, variables will also be added to collections graph_keys()$GLOBAL_VARIABLES and graph_keys()$MODEL_VARIABLES.


If TRUE also add the variable to the graph collection graph_keys()$TRAINABLE_VARIABLES (see tf$Variable).


A tensor which represents input layer of a model. Its shape is (batch_size, first_layer_dimension) and its dtype is float32. first_layer_dimension is determined based on given feature_columns.


  • ValueError: if an item in feature_columns is not a dense column.

See also

Other feature column constructors: column_bucketized, column_categorical_weighted, column_categorical_with_hash_bucket, column_categorical_with_identity, column_categorical_with_vocabulary_file, column_categorical_with_vocabulary_list, column_crossed, column_embedding, column_numeric