Construct a Linear Estimator

Construct a linear model, which can be used to predict a continuous outcome (in the case of linear_regressor()) or a categorical outcome (in the case of linear_classifier()).

linear_regressor(feature_columns, model_dir = NULL, label_dimension = 1L,
  weight_column = NULL, optimizer = "Ftrl", config = NULL,
  partitioner = NULL)

linear_classifier(feature_columns, model_dir = NULL, n_classes = 2L,
  weight_column = NULL, label_vocabulary = NULL, optimizer = "Ftrl",
  config = NULL, partitioner = NULL)



An R list containing all of the feature columns used by the model (typically, generated by feature_columns()).


Directory to save the model parameters, graph, and so on. This can also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to continue training a previously saved model.


Number of regression targets per example. This is the size of the last dimension of the labels and logits Tensor objects (typically, these have shape [batch_size, label_dimension]).


A string, or a numeric column created by column_numeric() defining feature column representing weights. It is used to down weight or boost examples during training. It will be multiplied by the loss of the example. If it is a string, it is used as a key to fetch weight tensor from the features argument. If it is a numeric column, then the raw tensor is fetched by key weight_column$key, then weight_column$normalizer_fn is applied on it to get weight tensor.


Either the name of the optimizer to be used when training the model, or a TensorFlow optimizer instance. Defaults to the FTRL optimizer.


A run configuration created by run_config(), used to configure the runtime settings.


An optional partitioner for the input layer.


The number of label classes.


A list of strings represents possible label values. If given, labels must be string type and have any value in label_vocabulary. If it is not given, that means labels are already encoded as integer or float within [0, 1] for n_classes == 2 and encoded as integer values in {0, 1,..., n_classes -1} for n_classes > 2. Also there will be errors if vocabulary is not provided and labels are string.

See also

Other canned estimators: dnn_estimators, dnn_linear_combined_estimators