Install TensorFlow and its dependencies

Install TensorFlow and its dependencies

install_tensorflow(method = c("auto", "virtualenv", "conda", "system"),
  conda = "auto", version = "default", envname = "r-tensorflow",
  extra_packages = NULL, restart_session = TRUE)



Installation method. By default, "auto" automatically finds a method that will work in the local environment. Change the default to force a specific installation method. Note that the "virtualenv" method is not available on Windows (as this isn't supported by TensorFlow). Note also that since this command runs without privillege the "system" method is available only on Windows.


Path to conda executable (or "auto" to find conda using the PATH and other conventional install locations).


TensorFlow version to install. Specify "default" to install the CPU version of the latest release. Specify "gpu" to install the GPU version of the latest release.

You can also provide a full major.minor.patch specification (e.g. "1.1.0"), appending "-gpu" if you want the GPU version (e.g. "1.1.0-gpu").

Alternatively, you can provide the full URL to an installer binary (e.g. for a nightly binary).


Name of conda environment


Additional Python packages to install along with TensorFlow.


Restart R session after installing (note this will only occur within RStudio).


Name of Python environment to install within