Initializer that generates a truncated normal distribution.

These values are similar to values from an initializer_random_normal() except that values more than two standard deviations from the mean are discarded and re-drawn. This is the recommended initializer for neural network weights and filters.

initializer_truncated_normal(mean = 0, stddev = 0.05, seed = NULL)



Mean of the random values to generate.


Standard deviation of the random values to generate.


Integer used to seed the random generator.

See also

Other initializers: initializer_constant, initializer_glorot_normal, initializer_glorot_uniform, initializer_he_normal, initializer_he_uniform, initializer_identity, initializer_lecun_normal, initializer_lecun_uniform, initializer_ones, initializer_orthogonal, initializer_random_normal, initializer_random_uniform, initializer_variance_scaling, initializer_zeros